Secure liquidity

Quality made in Germany. At Centrimax's you receive industrial centrifuges, decanter centrifuges and centrifugal separators, as good as new, but 70 percent cheaper than first hand devices.

Get consulted. Based on 50 years of experience in the field of centrifugal separation technology we possess a wide range of know how. Crossvendor we find the fitting machine for the planned field of application, guaranteed.

We offer generally overhauled separators, decanters and many other industry-centrifuges of well known manufacturers as GEA Westfalia, Alfa Laval, Flottweg, Siebtechnik, Andritz Separation (KMPT - Kraus-Maffei), Heinkel or CEPA for all purposes.

Overhauled centrifuges by Centrimax are quality products of well-known manufacturers, that are renewed comprehensively and are updated with a modern PLC-System. Faulty parts were repaired or replaced, wear parts repalced generally. After installation the centrifuges have to pass a comprehensive test run on the Centrimax engine test bed. Besides comprehensive and intensive tests of function the vibrations are beeing measured, checked and recorded.


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