
Centrimax offers good as new and improved centrifugal separators, decanter centrifuges and industrial centrifuges by the following manufacturers.

GEA Westfalia Separator

GEA Westfalia Separator

The separators and decanters supplied by the GEA Westfalia Separator Company (corporate domicile registered in Westphalia, Germany) are made with Westphalian thoroughness and are famous for their reliability.

read more about GEA Westfalia Separator ...

Alfa Laval / de Laval (Tetra Pak) *

Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval is a leading supplier in the solution process in the field of Key-Technologies Heat-Transfer, Separation and Fluid Handling. The innovative machines, as well as branch-specific facilities and systems are adapted by detailed Service-Concepts for specific needs of clients.

* Centrimax is not a authorisied partner of Alfa Laval

read more about Alfa Laval ...

Flottweg SE

Flottweg SE

Flottweg produces Decanter-Centrifuges, Separators, Belt-Pressers and facilities at the site in Germany, that are appreciated as extremely powerful and reliable. They take Key-functions at clearing of liquids, separation of mixed liquids and at concentrating and dehydration in industrial processes.

read more about Flottweg ...



Siebtechnik specializes in the development and construction of continuously operating centrifuges and provide worm screen centrifuges, peeler centrifuges and sliding discharge centrifuges and decanter centrifuges.

read more about Siebtechnik ...

Andritz Separation

Andritz Separation

Through the acquisition of Netzsch Filtration, 3Sys Technologies, Bird, KHD Humboldt Wesdag, Guinard, Lenser, KMPT, Escher Wyss, Frautech Royal GMF Gouda, Sprout Bauer and Vandenbroek, Andritz Separation has evolved into a strong supplier of separation technologies. Andritz now offers centrifugal separators, screen scroll centrifuges, pusher centrifuges, sliding discharge centrifuges and decanter centrifuges.

read more about Andritz Separation ...



Hiller was founded in Vilsbiburg (Bavaria) in 1971 by Georg Hiller. A specialist in the design and manufacture of decanter centrifuges for solid/liquid separation, Hiller GmbH has been a member of the Swiss Ferrum Group since 2018.

read more about Hiller ...


other manufacturers

Centrimax - Winkelhort Trenntechnik GmbH offers a large number of machines from other manufacturers in the field of separation technology.

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