
Here you can search specifically for separators, decanters, centrifuges and other products or in different combinations of types, designations and manufacturers. The picture may differ from the actual version.

If you don't find the desired machine, please contact us.

4612 Result(s)

Type Manufacturer Description  
BSC 200 GEA Westfalia Separator Rotary Brush Strainers
BSC 4 KHD (Bird-Humboldt) Two-Phase-Decanters
BSC 4-0 KHD (Bird-Humboldt) Two-Phase-Decanters
BSC 5 KHD (Bird-Humboldt) Two-Phase-Decanters
BSD 100-01-076 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BSD 170-07-076 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BSD 90-01-076 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BSH 30-06-173 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BSH 30-06-177 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BSH 30-06-573 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BSH 30-06-577 GEA Westfalia Separator Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BT 1 Seepex Mohno pumps
BT 10 Seepex Mohno pumps
BT 17 Seepex Mohno pumps
BT 17-12E Seepex Mohno pumps
BT 2 Seepex Mohno pumps
BT 2-6L Seepex Mohno pumps
BTA 3-00-104 GEA Westfalia Separator Solid-wall Disc stack Centrifuges
BTA 35-00-004 GEA Westfalia Separator Solid-wall Disc stack Centrifuges
BTA 6-00-104 GEA Westfalia Separator Solid-wall Disc stack Centrifuges
BTA 70-00 GEA Westfalia Separator Solid-wall Disc stack Centrifuges
BTA 70-00-006 GEA Westfalia Separator Solid-wall Disc stack Centrifuges
BTAX 215 H-31 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTAX 215 S-31 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTC 3 GEA Westfalia Separator Solid-wall Disc stack Centrifuges
BTI 17/12 Seepex Mohno pumps
BTPX 205 SGD-34 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 205 SGD-35 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 205 TGD-14 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 205 TGT-15 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 205 TGT-75 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 305 SGD-34 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 305 TGD-14 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 305 TGD-74 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTPX 710 SGD-34 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTQ 1 Seepex Mohno pumps
BTQ 1-12 Seepex Mohno pumps
BTS 10-6L Seepex Mohno pumps
BTUX 305 TGD-34 Alfa Laval Nozzle Separators
BTUX 510 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
BTUX 510 T-30 Alfa Laval Nozzle Separators
BTUX 510 T-34 Alfa Laval Nozzle Separators
BVNX 418 Alfa Laval Two-Phase-Decanters
BVNX 418 B-31 Alfa Laval Two-Phase-Decanters
BVNX 418 S Alfa Laval Two-Phase-Decanters
BVNX 418 S-31 Alfa Laval Two-Phase-Decanters
BW 630 H Buckau Wolf (Dorr Oliver) Peeler centrifuges
BXP 360 Robatel Extractors
Baby 1 Pieralisi Two-Phase-Decanters
Baby 2 Pieralisi Two-Phase-Decanters
Baby 3 Pieralisi Two-Phase-Decanters
Bactotherm Alfa Laval Sterilisers
Brew 2000 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 2001 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 250 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 300 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 3000 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 3001 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 301 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges
Brew 500 Alfa Laval Self-cleaning Disc stack Centrifuges

Your advantages

  • Over 60 years of experience
  • Remanufacturing (factory rebuilt)
  • PLC-based control system
  • First class quality
  • Inhouse test laboratory
  • Savings up to 70%
  • Commissioning/process integration
  • Centrimax warranty
  • After sales service
  • Manufacturer-independent

If you don't find the desired machine, please contact us.

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